Every adult in my life has told me (at some point or another) just to 'take the first step' and I could succeed at anything. Apparently, if I could manage to lace up my Converse and get up off the sofa, I could become a historical genius by the time I made it to fridge. I soon found, however, that this was sadly not the case. Never fret! I did manage to get those trainers on, but soon realized that success would be based more on reading until my eyes bled than it would be on my being able to womble through academia.
Pessimist I am not...I'm usually far too grumpy to identify with that crowd, but I thought that this would be a great place to organize this mythological 'first step.' Recently finishing my BA degree after a protracted period in my life has quickly brought an intense focus to my most recent studies. I want to be a teacher. I have always wanted to be a teacher. It never actually occurred to me that I would ever be anything else. There is a small hiccup...the GACE exams required to teach in the state of Georgia. After being told by a local principal that they were "a bit of a bear," I hit the books. Indeed, he was correct. These tests appear to be horrendous.
I will be posting my study guides, time lines, resource materials and historical musings on this blog to keep everything in one place. I do hope we both find it helpful.