Knowledge is power, at least
that's what they keep telling me. In this case, it's right, but I'm sure you
feel like the power has been taken away from you sometimes. Teachers have their
own, very specialized language, just like any other job. A mechanic, a lawyer,
a street sweeper, they all have their own 'words' that mean special things for
them. The term for these special words is 'jargon' and it's really not fair to use these words with parents.
The hardest part for students is that just
KNOWING the words really is not enough and that’s where parents, teachers, and
friends come in. We can help them sort through the information and learn the jargon.
The teacher has probably asked you to read out loud to your
child. There are so many reasons to do this, but what if you can’t? What if you don't know where to even start?
Below are the teacher
words that are used when we discuss reading. There is an explanation, example,
and strategy to help you and your student get more out of your reading.
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