Saturday, June 23, 2012

Il Dolce Far Niente

Well, I'm done for now.  This is just an awesome feeling.  I have passed my history content tests, taken professional pedagogy, applied to the University of West Georgia and am in the process of having my transcripts from the United Kindom evaluated. 

Can I just point out again that this particular emotion is rocking my world? It's wonderful to have the satisfaction of knowing that I'm moving forward.  The only hitch?  I don't know what it's like to sit still.  I'm sitting here on a Saturday night watching ST: TNG (like the true nerd I am) waivering between viewing an excellently rated independent film, beginning my lesson plans, or il dolce far niente.  Darn...while contemplating doing nothing, I'm multitasking...I don't think Joyce had a delta in mind when he was working with a stream of conciousness...I believe I could have infuriated that man.

Logic could be applied, but it seems counter productive in contemplating relaxation...they would all be enjoyable, but to what aim?  Considering taking the latter option and then possibly using tomorrow to speak with old teachers to point me in the right direction with my new lesson plans.

I haven't secureed a teaching position as of yet, but thinking that I'm never going to need these plans seems foolhardy and ignorant.  Of course I will need them and it is never too early to start!  At the very least, that's what all the "Teaching for Dummies" books say...  Also, it seems like the best place to start would be A) Georgia's new core standards and B) Asking veteran teachers that know me well what my personal pitfalls are and how to work on counteracting them.

I will be putting up my individual unit lesson plans up as I get them together, I would welcome comment. 

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